Advertising on Linkedin

Linkedin AdvertisingLinkedIn ads a great tool to leverage. LinkedIn ads offer a unique set of targeting options that Google and Facebook lack.

The ability to target business types and roles – can be incredibly powerful. LinkedIn has developed "something for everyone." On the advertising side

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 120 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals.

While Social Media is definitely the hot topic of conversation this year, most of the tools focus on consumer centric business, and improving communication. If you provide B2B consulting, services or products, your options for social media are fairly limited,LinkedIn is a much better alternative.

Use LinkedIn Productively

Boost your business. Got a small business but want to generate more customers?
LinkedIn can increase your chances of hitting that big deal that puts your business exactly where you want to be. Again, this can take some time

Improve your Google results. When someone Googles you, do you really want the first thing they see to be your posts on the fly sportfishing forum? As your LinkedIn profile will have a fairly high Google PageRank, it should rank fairly high in your search results. And you can fill it with stuff you want people to see.

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