E-Business Solutions
e-business is more than just e-commerce. While e-business mentions to more strategic focus with an grandness on the functions that occur using electronic capabilities, e-commerce is a subset of an overall e-business strategy. E-commerce seeks to add revenue streams using the World Wide Web or the Internet to build and raise relationships with clients.
A starting point is to define eBusiness as "interaction with business partners, where the interaction is enabled by information technology". This is an accurate definition,
eBusiness is about understanding the prospective of new technologies in your market and in your supply chain and then orienting your business to implement your vision, and applying it quickly enough to minimize the threat from challengers if you are defending your market share, or fast enough to take advantage of the opportunities.
For more details and information plz feel free and email us or contact us on below details
Email us on : sales@webmaxtechnologies.com
For Enquiry : + 91-22-2517 3966
Sales : + 91- 993 096 3966
Support : + 91- 993 096 3911