Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is a website promotion by means of placement of paid text announcements containing information about your company, your goods and/or services. This advert appears in search results at search websites (Google, Yahoo!, Bing). The main advantage of this type of advertising is control and management flexibility. You by yourself are able to set monthly budget and click cost. Another advantage is that your advertising announcement is shown only those who are interested in it. This type of advertising is also good in view that you pay for redirection to your website upon clicking and not just for announcement display.

Unlike search engine website optimization which sometimes has quite a long lead in time, the timescale of setting up of Pay Per Click advertising takes only a couple of hours and is very precise and accurate. You may indicate the list of key phrases which will be related to and which will make such announcements to be displayed as well as indicate region, language, time, device type (desktop, portable or mobile) etc specifying display conditions. Advertising is shown only when it is necessary and you may put it on or off in any time.

Correct setting of Pay Per Click advertising will allow you to decrease cost of click and to get a larger number of redirections to your website for the same money. Our company's specialists have big experience in PPC advertising. We can set advertising as precise and accurate as possible and to professionally select list of key phrases and announcement texts. We will present detailed statistics regarding your company. Statistics reports on daily, weekly and monthly basis is also possible.

Use of PPC advertising together with website seo optimization will improve your website efficiency and allow you to get more clients and income.

Why Webmax Technologies PPC management?

  • Significant increase in traffic volumes
  • Relevant traffic that leads to high conversion ratio
  • Increased click-through rate
  • Performance-based payments
  • Stat-counter for Click Tracking tools
  • Formalized weekly/monthly reports
  • Focused low-budget keywords
  • Pay Per Click Advertising PPC
Q.What is Pay-Per-Click?

A: PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, where-in the publisher of an affiliate link gets paid for any qualified traffic diverted to the merchant's site by posting a merchants link of his web space.

Q: What are Organic listings?

A: Organic listings are an outcome of Search Engine Optimization and month of efforts to make a site in accordance to the Search Engine's Preferences. These are the listings we see on Google that occur leaving the first few links on the page. On the basis of how well a site is optimized, these links get page ranks and dynamic positions on the search engine pages.

Q: What are Inorganic listings?

A: Inorganic listings are carried out by PPC Campaigns which deliver quick results. One simply needs to bid on keywords and based on which, find strategic placement of their ads on a popular platform.

Q: How does Pay-Per-Click differ from regular, "organic" Search Engine results?

A: Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing (PPC) is a paid form of advertising which requires, of a merchant to pay for achieving top rankings in a search engine. These basically are sponsored links which climb the Search Engine Pages not by the virtue of being optimized but by paying for the same as opposed to Organic Search Engine Results.

Q: Why spend on PPC, if search engine optimization delivers similar results?

A: Achieving top rankings in the organic listings is often difficult a task. With cut throat competition and about a splendid variety of tasks at hand search engine optimization is a time taking and cumbersome activity opposed to PPC. On the other hand PPC is Paid Advertising but it targets its audiences and delivers effective results. Hence it is a popular and preferred way to quick accurate results. However to launch a comprehensive online marketing campaign requires an integration of good Online Marketing Practices which includes both PPC and Natural Search Engine Optimization Services to work together to deliver targeted leads for your company.

Q: How do I know if pay-per-click is right for my company?

A: In both the scenarios; if your site is found or is not found in the organic listings, PPC management has proven to be an effective tool. For if your site lists high in the organic listings, an entry in the inorganic list will only amplify its effect! And if incase it still hasn't found its way up the search engine charts yet, the PPC campaign would quickly place the details of your site on its very first page thereby accommodating your interest best.

Q: What happens if one keeps clicking idly on my listing?

A: Comprising of sophisticated technology, the click review software system hired by search engines like Google and Overtures monitor click activities very closely. These prevent unqualified clicks from being accounted for, in cash by the advertiser and rules-out the scope for false logging.

Q: How do I decide a return on my Pay-Per-Click Investment?

A: Our tracking software monitors every activity on your website, logs when a visitor comes in through a PPC link and tracks his activity through the website. Every keyword has a dedicated setup source that helps you track down, not only the actions logged but the conversions as well - helping you pay for exactly how the performance is.

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